July 19-25 News Round-Up

August 10, 2010
Kagan’s questionable history protecting tenant’s rights:
Increase in enforcement efforts felt nationwide with new HUD policy:
HUD reinforces support of ADA claims under FHA:

HUD will launch mortgage discrimination Investigations:
HUD decision sends retaliation warning to landlords:

DOJ files steps in to end landlord’s discriminatory practices:

Fair Housing Report released at conference in New Orleans:
The Department of Housing and Urban Development releases first annual report of the state of fair housing which provides the progress being made in enforcing the Fair Housing Act and expresses the current administration’s commitment to ending housing discrimination. The report ,prepared in accordance with Sections 808(e)(2) and (6) of the Fair Housing Act and Section 561(j) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, was released during HUD’s National Fair Housing Policy Conference in New Orleans July 19-23. According to the report the most prevalent type of housing discrimination continues to be complaints dealing with disability issues, making up 44% of complaints with 31% race and 20% familial status. The report also includes recent changes in policy, and provides cases that were resolved through the HUD process. Recent cases can be found in the report available at http://www.hud.gov/content/releases/fy2009annual-rpt.pdf.

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